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This page lists the 150 newest pages on the wiki.


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Listing 150 newest pages:

  1. File:Interview.mp3
  2. Interview Initiatorin Projekt Franziskushof
  3. File:Using the New Ushahidi Platform to Crisis Map Libya.png
  4. File:1234.png
  5. Music Industry and Post Capitalistic Distribution
  6. Imposition by architecture
  7. File:Wirhelfen Update.png
  8. File:Wirhelfen.png
  9. File:Wirhelfen update example.png
  10. Wir helfen
  11. User:Johannes D
  12. Urban sync
  13. User talk:Marlene
  14. File:Grafik urban Sync.pdf
  15. Micro Credit Positive Planet
  16. File:CM Timeline Technology.jpg
  17. File:CM Haiti Infografik.jpg
  18. Examples in crowdfunding architecture
  19. Collective action
  20. File:Collective action crowd m.jpg
  21. File:02 CrisisMapping CM Resources.svg
  22. File:Tmp 29725-CrisisMapping 1-1602058270.pdf
  23. Crisis mapping
  25. Crowdfunding in indie games
  26. File:VIFFF.jpeg
  27. File:Sleepify-album-cover.jpg
  28. Sleepify
  29. Architektur in Wels 1900-2014
  30. Rhizome
  31. File:Map.jpg
  32. Remittances
  33. File:Sean bravo.jpg
  34. File:720x368-opening-of-BCA.jpg
  35. File:Charlie phillips.jpg
  36. File:Ackee and Saltfish.png
  37. Friends of Friends of Friends of Friends of Friends of Friends of Friends
  38. File:Zara's Network.jpg
  39. File:6 degrees.png
  40. File:Backer diagram.jpg
  41. File:Backer relationship diagram.pdf
  42. File:Circles of Acquaintance.jpg
  43. File:Paper chain people.jpg
  44. File:Amanda1.jpg
  45. File:Audience.png
  46. Research Journal
  47. File:Yjfhtdgfs.png
  48. File:Bitcoin-love-heart 318-53381.jpg
  49. Crowdfunding art across the african diaspora
  50. File:Hdwk´p.jpg
  51. File:Lighthouse-Bitcoin-App.png
  52. File:Catchin babies.jpg
  53. The importance of the archive
  54. File:Crowd2.jpg
  55. File:Crowd1.jpg
  56. Networks
  57. State of the arts (funding)
  58. Bitcoin and Crowdfunding: An Impossible Love Story?
  59. File:Hdsms.png
  60. File:Screen-Shot-2013-07-30-at-12.59.36-AM-300x185.png
  61. File:Bridges.png
  62. File:Screenshot (26).png
  63. File:Centralized-Decentralized-And-Distributed-System.jpg
  64. File:Desperate-housewives-finale-poker-game.jpg
  65. File:Building an audience.jpg
  66. File:IMG 3033.JPG
  67. File:IMG 3032.JPG
  68. Case study: Ethnic Marketing
  69. Case study: A Crime Against Art (Madrid trial)
  70. File:Th b6013a5beacabcb919d3a6564ae91b58 a crime against art48.jpg
  71. Ethnic Marketing
  72. File:51VzPiVNFuL.jpg
  73. File:螢幕快照 2015-05-04 下午7.31.03.png
  74. File:螢幕快照 2015-05-04 下午7.30.56.png
  75. File:螢幕快照 2015-05-04 下午7.30.52.png
  76. File:螢幕快照 2015-05-04 下午7.30.47.png
  77. File:Triadic closure.png
  78. File:Tie-network.jpg
  80. File:Distributed network.png
  81. File:Pass the Parcel.jpg
  82. File:Gifts.jpg
  83. File:Informal picture.png
  84. File:Informal picture.docx
  85. Exchanges
  87. File:IMG 3030.jpg
  88. File:Words.jpg
  89. File:Bitcoin Banks.png
  90. File:1418205701432414.png
  91. File:Satoshi-nakamoto.jpg
  92. Medici patronage and Florentine political and cultural life
  93. File:Market Capitalization.png
  94. File:Total BTC in circulation .png
  95. File:Sources of financial information.png
  96. File:8631889823 48c97e00cf b.jpg
  97. File:Btc 1.png
  98. File:Fig13.jpg
  99. File:12.jpg
  100. File:Fig14.jpg
  101. File:Fig11.jpg
  102. File:Fig10.jpg
  103. File:Fig9.jpg
  104. File:Fig8.jpg
  105. File:Fig7.jpg
  106. Bitcoin: strengths and weaknesses of P2P currencies
  107. File:Fig16.jpg
  108. File:Fig15.jpg
  109. File:1418208394399475 (1).jpg
  110. File:Figure 6.jpg
  111. File:Figure 5.jpg
  112. File:Figure 4.jpg
  113. File:Figure 3.jpg
  114. File:Fig2.jpg
  115. File:Fig 1.jpg
  116. Conversations: Jane Moore
  117. File:Jane Moore icon.jpg
  118. File:Jane Moore screenshot.jpg
  119. File:DynamikResizing.png
  120. On the Production of Knowledge
  121. File:Internet-myth.jpg
  122. File:Screen-shot-2014-09-19-at-14-50-41.png
  123. File:Net-delusion.jpg
  124. Cyber-utopianism
  125. File:MENA MAP.jpeg
  126. Art Crowdfunding in the MENA region, Friend or Foe?
  127. Page
  128. File:CrimeAgainstArt 01.jpg
  129. Bibliography
  130. From criticality to creativity: a Neoliberal word snake
  131. Conversations: Lucy Sparrow
  132. File:Lucy screenshot.jpg
  133. File:Lucy icon.jpg
  134. Conversations: Simon Gwynn
  135. File:Simon icon.jpg
  136. File:Simon screenshot.jpg
  137. Conversations: Melissa Sueren
  138. File:Art Cube Icon.jpg
  139. File:Art Cube Screenshot.jpg
  140. File:Jess icon.jpg
  141. Conversations: Jessika de Wahls
  142. File:Jess Screenshot.jpg
  143. File:Anne Krinsky small image.jpg
  144. File:AK Screenshot.jpg
  145. Conversations: Anne Krinsky
  146. File:Indiegogo art screenshot.jpg
  147. File:Kickstarter Art Screenshot.jpg
  148. File:Kickstarter Art Screenshot.tiff
  149. File:Indiegogo art screenshot.tiff
  150. File:Pound Stirling.jpg