Help:Editing pages
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since this platform is widely used, there are tons of very detailed how-tos on the internet.
The best Media:Wiki-guids I discovered so far:
if these guids are overkill for you ;) is our own short version of how to get started
Creating your Account:
Visit our startpage and create your new account. Pleas use a recognizable name (so we will know who worked on which article) and a valid emailadress, althought it’s marked as optional. Stay signed in! You will definitely recieve a confirmation email - but it may take some minutes. Check your spam folder, if you didn’t receive it within half an hour. Confirm your mail.
Then send an email with your username to an Admin. Since staff changes sometimes, please ask in class for a valid mail adress. We will enable editing for your account.
Creating a new Page:
Start a new page by adding your title after in your webbrowser’s adress bar. f.e.:
You will recieve a meassage, that there is no page like this yet. But you will also be asked, if you would like to edit this page. ...that’s the link we were looking for!
Edit the page!
Your text will appear as plain text, which is good for starters.
Formating your new Article:
Start your new Article with a short introduction.
About WHAT, or WHOME is this page? WHERE is it located, or WHAT does she/he do in general? IS there an appriximate timespan WHEN this happend? Maybe mention some key issues.
The “Table of Content (TOC)” will be inserted automatically if you structured your text with headlines. In order to position the TOC at the top of the page, you have to insert "__TOC__" in the first line of your article.
Text (short):
Just start typing - in the first place there’s no need for any styling. If you are looking for all the possibilities of formating your text, you'll find everything an this Media:Wiki Help Page
List: start every line with a *
Tab: use :: at the beginning of this specific line of text.
Links: Complete URLs to external webpages will be recognized automatically; if you need to tranform a word into an externallink use [url Word]; f.e.: The Wealth of the Commons
Everything about internal and external Links: MediaWiki Help
Qutes: If you used quotes and need to refernce your source, insert the following:
<ref> [url Title_of_your_source] Date of access to this information</ref>
f.e.: <ref>[ Kunstaspekte] Abgerufen am 20. April 2013 </ref>
f.e.: <ref name=Spon162>Sponenberg, "The Proliferation of Horse Breeds", ''Horses Through Time'', p. 162</ref>
f.e.: <ref>{{cite journal |author= Mott, Maryann |date=2006-04-04|title= Champion Horses Cloned by Texas Breeder |journal= National Geographic News |url= |accessdate=2008-05-01}}</ref> you can see, there are some quite advanced citations - decide yourself, how much information you need.
Insert <references /> and a list of your quotations will be created automatically at this positon.
Chapters (short):
Chapters are formated like this: (mind the number of = )
==Chapter 1==
===Chapter 1.1===
====Chapter 1.1.1====
====Chapter 1.1.2====
===Chapter 1.2===
====Chapter 1.2.1====
====Chapter 1.2.2====
==Chapter 2==
===Chapter 2.1===
====Chapter 2.1.1====
====Chapter 2.1.2====
===Chapter 2.2===
====Chapter 2.2.1====
====Chapter 2.2.2====
===Chapter 2.3===
==Chapter 3==
- Use drag-and-drop upload in the Editing-Frame - so drag your file onto the rectangle "Drop files here".
- Or upload pictures on the Special Page for uploads.
Then place them in your article with wikicode:
- [[File:filename.jpg | Picturedescription]] ...for plain pictures
- [[File:filename.jpg | right | Picturedescription]] place it right-aligned
- [[File:filename.jpg | left | Picturedescription]] place it left-aligned
more about alignment on this Wikipedia Help Page
In order to resize images as the browser is resizing, place each image in div-tags like this:
If you want to use mini previews of much bigger pictures in your articles:
- [[File:filename.jpg | thumb | right | 150px | Picturedescription]]
There is also the possibility to create galeries, thumbnails, pictures with frames, without frames etc. ... you'l find everything about pictures on this Help Page by Wikipedia.
To embed youtube-videos use this code:
You get the identifier of your video by clicking on the "share" button on youtube - copy the part after the last slash into the code above. Have a look at the Testpage for examples.
For vimeo-videos use this code:
For more information on video-embedding check out the EmbedVideoTalk.
Keep in mind, that there is a very good Detailed help from Media:Wiki in the navigation bar. Use the internet as a knowledge ressource - wikis are very well documented, especially mediawikis (like ours), and use our Testpage to copy certain styles or try something.
You are welcome to edit and also spread this article.
PS. ... for all those of you who prefer to watch tutorials, instead of reading them - here is a youtube-video of the editing basics