
From CrowdSociety
Revision as of 17:04, 26 November 2014 by SchwaigerS (Talk) (Crowdlending)

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Crowdfunding platforms are structured differently. If they take fees and how much is often not so obvious.
One has to find for the hidden risks and guidelines that are the base of this newly grown industry, carefully.


investigated platforms

1. Zopa (UK)

2. Ratesetter (UK)

3. smava (Germany)

4. auxmoney (Germany/Austria)

5. (Germany)

6. Lending Club (USA)

7. ThinCats (UK)

8. Zencap (Germany)

9. Finmar (Germany)

10. (Germany/Austria)


Registry and privacy policy

Who is adressed

Appearance of the platforms

Who is behind the platform

Risks and criticism




List of References

Beck, Ralf Prof. Dr.: Crowdinvesting. Die Investition der Vielen. Kulmbach: Börsenbuch Verlag 2014.

Bertoni, Steven:" No hedge funds aren't hijacking peer to peer loans" says lending club. in: Forbes Online, 05.12.2014, URL: [3], Download vom 26.11.2014.

Herbold, Astrid: Projektfinanzierung. Das leise Sterben der Crowdfunding Plattformen. in: Zeit - online, Zeit Verlag Hamburg, 29.8.2012, URL: [4], Download vom 26.11.2014.

Juetten, Mary: Jobs Act and Crowdfunding: Will They finally "#Release The Rules?".in: Forbes - online, 8/21/2014, URL:[5] , Download vom 26.11.2014.

Kühl, Eike: Crowdfunding. Die Crowd die nicht misstraut. in: Zeit - online, Zeit Verlag Hamburg, 22.10.2014, URL: [6], Download vom 6.11.2014.

Luddabeh, Jens: Horizonte Crowdfunding. Die Masse macht's. in: Technology review, 10/2012, 10, S.32-38.

Pfluger, Bettina: Ein Kredit von mir zu dir. in: Der online - Standard, Standard Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H, Wien, 14.3.2014, URL: [7], Download vom 09.11.2014.

Rom, Daniela: Crowdlending. Neuer Anbieter für Kredit aus dem Netz. in: Der online - Standard, Standard Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H., Wien, 19.03.2014, URL: [8], Download vom 09.11.2014.