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Magdas Hotel is a social business hotel based on cooperation, existing resources and a social vision. Refugees, volunteers and professionals of the hotel business transform a former rest home, situated at the Wiener Prater, to a grand budget hotel. The idea of the hotel deals with the topic of integration and enables the chance for multicultural encounter between people.

Magdas hotel logo.png

Types of crowdfunding

The project is planned and implemented by the Caritas Service GmbH, which is a subsidiary company of the austrian aid organisation Caritas. Supplementary to a given budget, which was provided by the Caritas itself, two types of crowdfunding were applied to realize Magdas hotel:

financial-based crowdfunding: a project or business is funded by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, who support the idea, usually on a platform on the internet.

product-based crowdfunding: people contribute to the project with donations in kind, like furniture or unused materials.

Financial-based-crowdfunding Financial-based-crowdfunding

The Caritas provided a budget of € 1.500.000,- to finance the main modification costs of the hotel. The idea to raise money via crowdfunding came from Clemens Foschi, the leader of Caritas Service GmbH. The goal is to collect 50.000 euro through monetary contributions via the austrian crowdfunding platform www.crowdfunding.at. This money is not included in the project budget, so it is used for the finishing and further investments, e.g. curtains, pillows or other hotel inventory.

The following “gifts” are received when supporting the Magdas Hotel on a financial basis: For € 20,- you get a postcard and “sweet dreams” from the hotel. When donating € 100,- you'll be sleeping in a double bedroom. For € 1.000,- you receive 10 double bedroom vouchers with breakfast and for € 3.000,- forty vouchers for a double room inclusive breakfast and will be mentioned by name or logo in the foyer.


At the beginning of the project the architectural office AWG (AllesWirdGut) included mainly firms in the process with whom they had already built bigger projects successfully in the past. At first the magDAS was not that well known by the public, an so it was rather hard to get donations of any kind, but with increasing public relations more and more firms called the Austrian architectural office AWG and offered them their help in form of cheaper products or even for free (those where mainly from overproduction or inventory).

Types of crowdsourcing

Another blindtext paragraph with an external Lint to the german Wikipedia article about BildwissenschaftThe Project is online since....Praesent rhoncus eu mi id faucibus. Sed convallis ex sed nunc volutpat, sit amet congue lectus viverra.
Sed id lobortis magna. Vivamus non faucibus dui. Maecenas et sodales enim. Praesent massa nisi, aliquam sit amet libero at, tempus malesuada odio. Sed gravida dictum euismod.The Project is online since....Praesent rhoncus eu mi id faucibus. Sed convallis ex sed nunc volutpat, sit amet congue lectus viverra.
Sed id lobortis magna. Vivamus non faucibus dui. Maecenas et sodales enim. Praesent massa nisi, aliquam sit amet libero at, tempus malesuada odio. Sed gravida dictum euismod.


The cooperation between the academy of fine arts and the projects has just startetd with the fassade competition. But its even a start of a long liaison to get more input and more future-oriented artwork at magdas hotel. The homepage (http://www.magdas-hotel.at/) and the YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhmW2IgCNPk) were important tools to get the attention of the public. This fell into the competence of Cloed Baumgartner who is a designer. She did an excellent job by creating and designing the pictures, interviews, videos etc. for public relations.


Besides financial and products help,the project needs of course manpower at the construction side. An example would be international well known firms like e.g. Samsung, sent 30 of their employees including the CEO Samsung Austria to the construction area of the magDAS hotel. There they helped by cleaning recycled door handles and washbasins from the former home for the elderly. They also assisted with smaller assembly works. Even a lot of people, who noticed the project through the media (TV-documentary or the magDAS-homepage etc.), came and offered their help. It was tried to integrate the asylum-seekers into the construction during the whole building process.



The Magdas Hotel and its supporters can benefit from contributing to the project in different ways:

Contributing can boost the reputation of a company or supporter f.ex., 30 employees of the company Samsung Austria, even including the CEO, offered their help for one day and cleaned door handles and washbasins and assisted in doing installation work. All bigger sponsors are mentioned with their logo on a panel on the ground floor.

Raising money via crowdfunding helped the project to gain more attention from the public. At a certain degree of popularity companies and private individuals started to call the architectural office AWG and offered resources and help.

Depending on how much you donate, you receive smaller gifts or a specific amount of vouchers for double rooms in return. The concept of the facade of the Magdas Hotel also reflects the social vision of the project. Small square-tiles made of copper can be bought by the hotel guests, which can mount them on the balustrades of the balconies on their own. At the end of the project the copper will be resold, whereas the proceeds will belong to the Caritas, so the facade is actually self-financing.
crowd funding creates a forum where project initiators can engage with their audiences. Audience can engage in the production process by following progress through updates from the creators and sharing feedback via comment features on the project's crowdfunding page.

perspectives of the 3 parties

Contend translation about the answer of the question: How did the architects use crowd funding and crowd sourcing as a tool?

“This should have happened at a much earlier stage in the process. … If I ever have to use crowd funding again in the future, this enormous public relations machinery has to start earlier, so you get a much better overview of the resources you will possibly get access to.”

File:Magdas-picto-141201 KLEINER.jpg


This project was successfully funded on April 13, 2013. on Kickstarter.
It had 91,585 backers. 
They pledged $5,702,153 of $2,000,000 goal.          
The movie earned on Box office $3.5 million.


The Project is online since....Praesent rhoncus eu mi id faucibus. Sed convallis ex sed nunc volutpat, sit amet congue lectus viverra.
Sed id lobortis magna. Vivamus non faucibus dui. Maecenas et sodales enim. Praesent massa nisi, aliquam sit amet libero at, tempus malesuada odio. Sed gravida dictum euismod.


The Project is online since....Praesent rhoncus eu mi id faucibus. Sed convallis ex sed nunc volutpat, sit amet congue lectus viverra.
Sed id lobortis magna. Vivamus non faucibus dui. Maecenas et sodales enim. Praesent massa nisi, aliquam sit amet libero at, tempus malesuada odio. Sed gravida dictum euismod.

learning from

The Project is online since....Praesent rhoncus eu mi id faucibus. Sed convallis ex sed nunc volutpat, sit amet congue lectus viverra.
Sed id lobortis magna. Vivamus non faucibus dui. Maecenas et sodales enim. Praesent massa nisi, aliquam sit amet libero at, tempus malesuada odio. Sed gravida dictum euismod.


The Project is online since....Praesent rhoncus eu mi id faucibus. Sed convallis ex sed nunc volutpat, sit amet congue lectus viverra.
Sed id lobortis magna. Vivamus non faucibus dui. Maecenas et sodales enim. Praesent massa nisi, aliquam sit amet libero at, tempus malesuada odio. Sed gravida dictum euismod.


  • Tayfun Belgin (Hrsg.): Christine und Irene Hohenbüchler – ... ansehen als ..., ... regarding as ... König u. a., Köln u. a. 2007, ISBN 978-3-9502333-0-8.
  • Dorothee Messmer, Markus Landert (Hrsg.): Wilde Gärten. Christine und Irene Hohenbüchler. Niggli, Sulgen u. a. 2004, ISBN 3-7212-0523-5.


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